Pareto chart in QlikView is used to represent what is driving your key metrics.
Pareto chart is also called 80/20 chart.
Pareto chart is basically a combo chart – combination of a bar chart and a line. It represents that 80% of the output came from 20% of the input.
Learn how to create a combo chart in QlikView
Pareto Chart is useful in prioritizing the problem areas. It is one of the basic tools in quality control.
Steps to create Pareto Chart in QlikView :
1. I will load sample data for the Products and Complaints received on each product.
2. Select a combo chart on the general tab of the charts
3. Select Products as dimension
4. In the expression , use Sum(Complaints). This will be displayed as bar. Make sure under Accumulation property check “No Accumulation”
5. Create another expression for % . Sum(Complaints) / Sum( TOTAL Complaints). Make sure under Accumulation property check “Full Accumulation”
6. Under Sort tab – select Y-value Descending
7. Under Axes – For Complaints – under position property “Left bottom” and for % select “Right (Top)”
8. Chart will look like the one below
T-shirts and Gloves are driving more complaints than any other Products. By using Pareto chart management can quickly identify which Products need more attention.
Further Reading: – Pareto Chart
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Excelente!!! Gracias