QlikView Set Analysis allows you to perform flexible aggregation. Usually aggregation occurs on the set of values in the current selection. But many a times business requirements demand to perform aggregation on a Set of records that are independent of current selection. For e.g. your current selection may be Year = 2001, but using set Analysis you can […]
Alternate states
QlikView – Alternate States – part 2.
In QlikView, Alternate States are not accessible in the load script.They are a feature of User interface. To use/create Alternate state, user have to first create Alternate state in Settings/Document properties. Once an Alternate state is created then user can either use this alternate state in any sheet object or create new ones. If Alternate State is […]
QlikView – Alternate States – part1
Today I want to discuss Alternate states in QlikView, but before we start on Alternate states, we need to understand Attach/detach functionality in QlikView. In QlikView, data is associated based on the common field names in one or more table. For e.g. If you have 3 Tables, when a selection is made in one table, […]