Today I want to discuss Alternate states in QlikView, but before we start on Alternate states, we need to understand Attach/detach functionality in QlikView. In QlikView, data is associated based on the common field names in one or more table. For e.g. If you have 3 Tables, when a selection is made in one table, […]
Master Calendar in QlikView
In any Dashboard,Time is an important factor. Users will always be interested in viewing the data by time period and also will be interested in performing comparitive analysis between 2 time periods. In a data warehouse, a Time dimension table is usually present, which joins to the fact table and produces results.In some situations, time […]
QlikView- Mapping Tables
In Qlikview it is always advisable to minimize the number of tables in the data model. Mapping Tables are used in QlikView to clean up the data model. Tables with just 2 columns can be removed and columns of that table can be mapped to another table. Mapping tables are stored in a separate area […]
QlikView – Connecting to excel file
In QlikView you can connect to variety of datasources. QlikView can connect to ODBC,OLEDB,XML datasources. You can also connect to cloud datasources like In this excercise i want to show you how to connect to an excel file in QlikView. To learn how to load excel file in QlikSense visit Creating first QlikSense application Steps: Create […]
QlikView Overview
Traditional Business Intelligence tools are unable to meet the fast paced data requirements and customer expectations. These BI tools suffered from lengthy development time,absence of data transformation environment and non-intuitive visualizations . Users have to go to multiple reports to answer a single question.Data was still trapped in layers and data discovery was not possible. […]