Gauge Chart in QlikView

Gauge charts in QlikView are very useful to display when your measure lies within a threshold and outside a threshold value. There are times when executives want to see visually their key measures and want to know at a glance whether values are falling within a acceptable value(green) or outside acceptable value (red). I will show you […]

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Reference Line in QlikView

Reference line is important in any business scenario. Reference line can be a sales goal/target that an Organization want to achieve. Reference line can be  a mile stone from where a business want to grow. For example, a business achieved a Sales of $10million in 2009, they can use this as a reference for their future growth. In […]

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Cross Table in QlikView

Cross Table is a table with Orthogonal list of headers. Orthogonal simply means at right angles. We come across cross tables everywhere in our daily lives. Michael Jordan  is the greatest basketball player of our times. I am a big fan of Michael Jordan. To explain the concept of Cross table, i will take a sample of […]

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Executing Stored procedure in QlikView

In certain business environments all the complex business logic is implemented in a stored procedure. This usually happens when the source system is a huge transactional database system and data warehouse is not available. In such scenarios you have two choices –     load all the tables in QlikView and recreate stored procedure logic –     execute the stored proc and get […]

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