In Concatenate and NoConcatenate in QlikView – Part 1 you saw how automatic concatenation occurs in QlikView. In this Part 2, you will see Forced Concatenation and how to prevent Concatenation i.e. NoConcatenation. Forced Concatenation If two or more tables do not have exactly same name and number of fields, it is still possible to […]
QlikView Tutorial
Variables in QlikView

Variables in QlikView are very useful in data transformations and Calculations. Variables can be defined by SET and LET statements. Variables can be defined in script editor or by going into menu -> settings/variable overview. Set and Let The Set statement is used for defining Script variables e.g. Set vMinDate = ’10/31/2008′ ; Set vMaxdate = ’12/31/2020” […]
Preceding load in QlikView

Preceding Load is a very powerful functionality in QlikView in transforming the data. What is Preceding load It allows you to define multiple transformations and calculations within one load script which would otherwise will need to be created using separate load and resident load statements. It takes input from the previous Select statement. Preceding Load is invoked by checking the “preceding load […]
Aggr function in QlikView
Aggr() function is a very powerful function in QlikView. It comes under advanced Aggregation and provides great flexiblity to the developer and user. What is Aggr( ) Let you perform Aggregation over a set of dimensions It creates kind of a temp table of results from which you can select and perform more aggregations Can be used with expressions […]
Incremental Load in QlikView – Part2
In Incremental Load in QlikView – Part 1 we saw Incremental load with Insert Only option. In this session, we will see how to do Incremental Load with – > Insert and Update – > Insert, Update and delete Insert and Update Incremental Load with Insert and Update is similar to “Insert Only” (see my […]